Insights into Designing a System

Thinking from the User's Perspective and Modular Approach

When developing a system, it is crucial to adopt a user-centric design mindset to ensure the system meets user needs and provides a seamless user experience. Here are some insights I’ve gained while designing systems, which I hope will inspire you.

  1. Visualizing the Final Model: Before starting development, it is essential to envision the intended system and create a mental model of the end product. This helps establish clear goals and enables better planning of the system’s features and capabilities.

  2. Perspective Shift: When designing a system, we need to shift our perspective and think from the user’s point of view. Imagine ourselves as users and consider the functionalities and solutions we would expect to solve specific problems.

  3. Modular Design: Breaking down the system into distinct modules, where each module addresses a specific problem or provides a particular functionality, is a beneficial approach. By reverse engineering, we can construct these modules one by one, considering their interactions and dependencies.

  4. System Assembly: Once the modules are designed, they need to be seamlessly integrated to form a complete system. This involves designing interfaces between modules, determining data exchange mechanisms, and ensuring collaboration and interaction between the modules.



  1. 幻想成品模型:在开始开发之前,我们应该对所要设计的系统进行预想,设想成品的模型。这有助于我们形成一个清晰的目标,并能更好地规划系统的功能和特性。

  2. 视角转换:在设计系统时,我们需要换位思考,将自己的身份转换为用户的角度。想象自己是用户,思考如果我们需要解决一个具体的问题,希望系统能提供哪些功能和解决方案。

  3. 模块化设计:将系统拆分为不同的模块,每个模块负责解决系统中的一个具体问题或提供某种功能。通过反推理,我们可以逐个构建这些模块,并考虑它们之间的交互和依赖关系。

  4. 系统组装:在设计完各个模块后,我们需要将它们有机地组装起来,形成一套完整的系统。这涉及到模块之间的接口设计、数据传递方式以及模块间的协作和交互。

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